Are You a Therapist with a Coaching Edge? Take This Survey

Are you a natural coach, as a therapist or counselor?

Do you work in an EAP, Agency or Clinic and want to be able to help clients go further, faster, with improved client satisfaction about their treatment?

Would your clients benefit from a cognitive-behavioral model of therapy that is focused on a coaching approach and calls clients into action? You can bring a pro-active, prospective orientation (resolving present problems and exploring options to future possibility) into therapy sessions.

Do you need to help clients see results in each session and recognize their return on investment of counseling and therapy? You can learn how to boost client appreciation for therapy and enhance retention.

Take this Survey and see if you’re ready to bring Lynn’s Therapy with a Coaching Edge approach into your sessions.

Therapy With a Coaching Edge

Take this survey to see the criteria to consider about yourself, prior to deciding to bring it into your practice. There are a total of 12 points to note. 

This model is appropriate for a therapist or counselor if:, 

  • You naturally tend to use a proactive approach to therapy.

  • You are comfortable with the give and take of a behavioral method of therapy.

  • You prefer tangible results and see evidence of change, even in a single session.

  • You structure your treatment to have a beginning, middle, and end when possible.

++++ (total possible score = 4)

  • You favor a client-based model of equality in therapy.

  • You are comfortable ceding some control in a session, including veer­ing from a strict protocol, to allow your clients to have the ability to drive the direction of a session.

  • You know how to gracefully retain your expertise and adhere to a treatment plan, but still share power with a client.

  • You know how to set and maintain clear boundaries in terms of session management. For example, you can start and stop a session on time, bill for sessions appropriately, don’t carry a large debt of unpaid client bills, and run your practice in a professional manner.

++++ (total possible score = 8)

  • You adhere to ethical requirements of your licensure. You don’t befriend clients inappropriately, have dual relationships, or get enmeshed with clients inside or outside of therapy sessions.

  • You are self-aware; you have spent time in your own therapy.

  • You can recognize transference and countertransference as it occurs in a session. (It is important that you have a way to recognize and con­tain countertransference to promote the results of this model.)

  • You are drawn to therapy with a coaching approach, but don’t want to use these skills to become a life coach with a therapy client.

++++ (total possible score = 12)

Looking at Your Results:

Does this survey describe your philosophy and current ways of working?

If you checked at least 6 out of the 12 points, you are a good candidate for exploring the strategies and skills in Therapy with a Coaching Edge. You are probably well-suited to a model of therapy that embraces a coaching style. You may already be working this way naturally and this book can help you learn additional strategies and skills.

Take a Next Step:

Read the book to learn how to develop the skills and positioning to improve client outcomes: Click HERE to order.

Consider additional training or supervision with Lynn to customize your ability to enhance your skills. Click HERE to see more.